SAVE 15% + FREE SHIPPING on DoubleHard Sawmill Blades. Ends August 31st.

Wood-Mizer Canada Headquarters will be closed Good Friday and Easter Monday.

Wood-Mizer Canada Headquarters will be closed Good Friday and Easter Monday.

Wood-Mizer Canada Headquarters will be closed Good Friday and Easter Monday.

Missions and Education

Restoring Men Through Christ, a Sawmill and a Woodshop

Restoration Sawmill's goal is helping men struggling with addiction in Indiana, USA. With a LT40HD portable sawmill, they are able to sustain their non-profit mission and, more importantly, teach men the values of hard-work and service.

Building 600 Homes in Fiji After Cyclone Winston

After the Southern Hemisphere’s most-powerful cyclone hit the Fijian islands in 2016, a group of dedicated missionaries and volunteers traveled from Montana, Alabama, Tennessee, Iowa, Oregon, and California to begin an extensive rebuilding project that resulted in more than 600 homes built for dozens of Fijian island communities.

Wood-Mizer Missions Team Visits Costa Rica

Teaming up with Youth with a Mission (YWAM), several Wood-Mizer employees and family members traveled to Costa Rica to build a housing structure for visiting missionaries in the area. Here are a few first-hand experiences from the mission team’s travels.

Building Churches and Schools in Papua New Guinea

Missionary Jesse Pryor returned to Papua New Guinea where he was born and raised to build churches, schools, and medical facilities for the local community in the remote jungle.

One Small Sawmill Creates Positive Change in the Congo Jungle

Missionary Glen Chapman shares how one small sawmill in Congo has improved lives in amazing ways.

Saved by a Sawmill in the Congo

The curious tale of one tree’s late night attack on a Wood-Mizer sawmill, and of the sawmill’s brave defense that saved the lives of two boys who happened to be sleeping in a building next to it.

One LT15 Sawmill Produces Timber for 50,000 Beehives in Zambia

Developed by missionary philanthropist John Enright, a co-op style honey initiative, is taking off in Zambia, and improving lives for the 10,000 individuals already involved.

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